Sheila ..

 I don't know what I'd have done without Sheila..
 more often than not she allowed me to pour out my heart 
 while she silently accepted every word 
 took them all in .. even redundant ones

  she bore witness to love letters ..
 fantasies  and hopeless chatter 
 heartbreaks and triumphs 
  and other things that matter  

 she was saddened by turmoil.. on page after page 
 I wrote to her often
 thankful for her comfort
 in my distress..
  and my rage ..

 it's about time for me  to start going places..
 doing things ..
 see some new faces
 but.. then I'll neglect her 
 when I'm flying high
 yet she is still there .. right by my side
 patient .. open .. taking my woes and joys in stride
there to support me ..
 reminding me just what "fun" used to be
 recalling funny things that I forgot
 serious things I did
 .. and things I did not ..

 with all that I saddled her with .
 you would think she'd be weary
 no .. not .. Sheila 
  she's my friend..
  she's my diary ..

 if she was "real"
I'd give her this to keep her warm ...